A moment in time, captured forever.

Each commission is different and I truly enjoy creating a personal experience from start to finish. Starting by narrowing down your subject: a location that holds a special place in your heart, family homes and farms, or whatever moves you.


A Unique Commission Experience


1. Planning Your Piece

I make a special trip to your favorite location, whether that’s your home or a treasured place from your childhood, and take photos of your subject. I do this so I can capture the essence of your subject and all the details of the environment so the final result is as authentic as possible.

2. Telling the Story

Your story is unique to you and I love capturing your world in a moment you can enjoy for the rest of your life. Each piece is created using my signature style with complimentary colors from opposite ends of the color wheel, telling your story in a way that is familiar yet exciting and new!

3. Creating a Reveal

Finally, we talk about who the piece is for and we’ll work together to create a special experience to commemorate the occasion. From blindfolded birthday reveals to surprise champagne date nights, helping clients reveal their commissions is arguably my favorite part!


Let’s create your very own masterpiece.